Saturday 12 September 2015 marks exactly one year since little William Tyrrell was taken from his family. A whole year that a little boy hasn’t been cuddled by his mum and dad, hasn’t celebrated his birthday or Christmas, hasn’t been safe. We’ve all seen the photos and heard the agony in his parents’ voices, and we’ve all held our own children that little bit closer.

In collaboration with the NSW Police Force and with the support of the Australian Federal Police, Bravehearts Inc is working closely with William’s family reaching out to the community seeking information that will assist Police in the investigation of William’s disappearance with the Where’s William? campaign.

During Where’s William? Week 12-18 September, people from around Australia are coming together to raise awareness of a little boy who loves fire engines and Spiderman, to support the Where’s William? campaign, and to hopefully generate information that can help bring him home where he belongs. Every member of our community can help.

How you can help:

  • Make a donation to the Where’s William? Campaign
  • Join the thousands of people who have already registered to Walk 4 William in events around the country on 12 September

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You can also raise awareness and help the campaign by purchasing and wearing Where’s William? merchandise from Bravehearts.  All proceeds enable the Where’s William? Campaign to spread the word to help bring William home to his family.