ecommerce packaging

How Much Ribbon You Need: Measuring Ribbon for Perfectly Wrapped Gifts

I can’t tell you how many times we’re asked how much ribbon will be needed to wrap a certain number of boxes of a certain size! Calculating Ribbon Length - Method 1 (EASY) The truly BEST way to work out how much ribbon you’ll need is to grab a piece of string and wrap [...]

2024-03-18T01:42:17+00:00March 18th, 2024|0 Comments

Respecting People & the Environment

At Australian Printed Ribbon we are committed to fair, ethical and sustainable business practices, focusing on keeping as much production in Australia as possible and sourcing only those products that reflect the quality and principles we stand behind. 95% of our ribbon is printed in our Melbourne factory (supporting local production, reducing carbon miles & [...]

2023-06-01T03:16:27+00:00April 14th, 2023|0 Comments

Shopify: Creating a Memorable Experience with Ecommerce Packaging

Shopify’s article on how ecommerce businesses can use packaging to create a memorable unboxing experience for their brands emphasised a lot of the points that have drawn business to our custom products for years. As Shopify noted, “Repeat customers will spend more with your business, and investing in retention and loyalty marketing can move you [...]

2020-04-21T04:41:42+00:00April 21st, 2020|0 Comments

How to use your packaging to build brand awareness on social media

If you don’t know it by now, social media is a vital part of almost any business’s marketing plan. Not only can you use it to display your products, your business, and your brand, but over 75% of shoppers will recommend products they like to their friends and followers on social media. And why do [...]

2023-06-01T03:36:51+00:00July 27th, 2018|0 Comments