australian produced

Ready-to-Ship Ribbon for Gifts, Hampers & Care Packages

Do you want to make your care packages and gifts look special but you don’t need a logo or customised branding on them? We have a range of IN STOCK designs with thoughtful phrases ready to ship. We use our lovely double sided woven edged satin ribbon – available in your choice of over [...]

2020-04-02T01:52:40+00:00April 2nd, 2020|0 Comments

Why local manufacture is best for our customers

At Australian Printed Ribbon we are proud that our name actually means something – we actually physically print the majority of our customers’ ribbon right here in our Melbourne factory. While ‘made in Australia’ is a nice catchphrase, it actually makes sense for us from a business perspective, not because it’s cheaper to print here [...]

2020-03-11T03:38:09+00:00March 11th, 2020|0 Comments