Custom branded anti-theft/return or security ribbon is a clever and stylish way for online clothing retailers to reduce fraudulent returns.

Anti-theft/return or security ribbon is a clever and stylish way for online clothing retailers to reduce fraudulent returns. By looping your custom branded ribbon through the garment so it’s visible when worn and security fastening the ends the item can be tried on. It can't be removed, worn out on the town, and then returned, however, without evident tampering with the ribbon.

By looping your custom printed ribbon through the garment so it’s visible when worn and security fastening the ends (or sewing them into a seam) the item can be tried on. It can’t be removed, worn out on the town, and then returned, however, without evident tampering with the ribbon.

Some retailers use a small security pin to join the two ends of the ribbon together, other use a plastic security tag that seals the two ends of the ribbon (like that used for tags). Another option (for smaller quantities) is a ribbon crimp or clamp. These are metal clasps set in place with a pair of pliers.

We recommend a woven edged satin ribbon for this purpose. The ribbon in the image is 24mm wide Recycled Woven Edged Satin Ribbon. This ribbon is part of our Eco Ribbon Range and is made from recycled water bottles diverted from landfill.

We can customise the ribbon with your message and branding – get in touch to see how we can assist you.